You are hereBest Time For Northern Pike Fishing

Best Time For Northern Pike Fishing

With most people looking for northern pike fishing as their next exciting venture in fishing, it is important to know when you can fish for these fish. You cannot just land up at anytime and start fishing for them because there is always a time and place for it.

Now, northern pike fishing is entirely dependant on the seasonal cycle. The reason I am saying this is because these fishes are migratory fishes and therefore they prefer to move from one place to another during particular seasons. Most migratory fishes love to move into the river for the time of their egg and return back to the sea once this is done. Similarly, these fishes too have such habits.

Now, northern pike fishing is usually doable at places where the water is cooler and shallower. This is because the fish itself prefers such climes. The shallower the water, the more the pike loves to and therefore the better the chances of getting a good catch of pike fishes in these regions. Usually, these fishes can be found immediately after the ice has just melted off. At this point of time, the water is also cooler and there is much less water in the streams and rivers. Therefore, you can easily hope to catch pike if you arrive at the right spot in the right time.

However, it is always good to know about the region you are planning to fish in. sometimes it so happens that you calculate the time and reach the place just as the ice is thawing or has recently thawed. Now, what happens is that, in those places the fishing season may just have not begun as yet, which can be the case very often.

Now, all that you can do in those times is sit and wait without anything useful being done. Therefore decide on the place for fishing beforehand and keep tracks on the happenings of the place. Keeping day to day reports wont hurt but will help you gain money time and energy if the fishing season is a bit late.

But let's say that you miss this particular northern pike fishing season, then what do you do? Well, not to worry because there is another time to go for northern pike fishing and it is he time when the fishes are transitioning. Transitioning means that these fishes, just as they had come from the deep waters to the shallow places; tend to return to the deep waters from the shallow waters. This period is just a month or so after the entrance into the shallow waters.

It is usually believed that this period is not much happening in terms of fishing but is really easy if you are looking for larger northern pike fishing. Usually the smaller ones leave faster into the deep while the bigger ones tend to try and intake more of the food available there.

So, make your northern pike fishing plans at the right time if you want some very good catch.

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Norhthern Pike Fishing and Pike Fishing.

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